Monday, December 3, 2012

AT Home HIV Testing

I decided to take an at home HIV test called Oraquick.  The result was negative meaning I do not have the virus with good certainty.  I read about it in the news.  It's a test you can take in the privacy of your own home.  Since it's been a while since I've had one, and many sexual indiscretions had amassed at the beginning of last year, fueled by a synthetic cannabinoid that had the effect of greatly increasing my sex drive and ability.  I do not of course recommend that anyone put themselves at such risk and it's something I don't do anymore.  But anyway, it's been over a year since I've indulged in sucha way so any infection would be apparent except HIV so I decided to get one of the home tests that just came out, a brand new product, the fate of which is uncertain due to it's controversial nature, but for now, it's out and available for $40.


If you do, you need to follow the instructions closely.  I will not give them specifically here because I don't want you to follow my instructions, I want you to follow the instructions in the testing kit.  You basically have a vial with a liquid at the bottom, you open that, making sure you don't spill any of the fluid and set it in the testing kit space.  Then you open a package that has the testing stick and you take that making sure the pad doesn't touch anything and swab your upper gums once, and your lower gums once, it doesn't matter which side of the pad you use.  Then you put the stick into the testing tube/vial and wait 20 mins.  Results will be accurate up to 40 mins and it may take a little after 20 mins for the result to be very clear.  There is a C then a T space on the testing stick.  One line near the C is a negative result.  Two lines, one at the C and the other at the T is a positive result meaning you need to get further testing to get a more definitive result.  It's 99% accurate for people without HIV and about 91.7% accurate for people with HIV generally because they may not show up positive during the window period before antibodies are detectable.

Below is my result.  There is one line at the C which is a negative result meaning I do not have HIV with a very high degree of certainty given any window period has passed and the absence of any symptoms.  Congratulations to me.

Should you take a home HIV test?  Might high risk partners both take a test before becoming intimate?  There are many uses and possibilities for this test, some great and some not so great.  It can be a tool to greatly help stop the spread of HIV used wisely, or used unwisely, it can cause at risk persons to engage in high risk activities when the test accuracy has fallen for them due to a window period or other unknown factor or incorrect use of the test.  What do you think?  Is this test a good idea for society or a bad idea?  I think it's a positive direction.  It puts your medical information in your control and protects your privacy.  It also has a number to call 24 hrs a day if you need to talk to someone about your results.

Good night and be safe.

DF Seldon