Friday, February 27, 2015

Little Miss Pretty Pants a poem for my daughter byDF Seldon

Little Miss Pretty Pants by DF Seldon

Little Miss Pretty Pants, Aliya Corn-Cobb,
Was the prettiest girl in all the land, smiling was her job.
Her smile could make the sun come out on a cloudy day.
Then her two little birdies, Kearney and Fidget, would hop on her shoulders and say,
“What a bright and beautiful day! Keep smiling Pretty Pants!
So that the sun won’t go away, and we can get a tan!”
So the birdies sunbathed and sang and played and Pretty Pants danced and danced.
Till one day Pretty Pants dropped her cake, and she began to pout.
She frowned and shouted and kicked and pouted, till the sun no longer came out.
She pouted at everything, good and bad.
She pouted at Mommy, Bubby, and Dad.
So worried was Grandma Emmy Corn-Cobb,
She took her to see Dr. Quack Cracked-Pot.
Doc Cracked-Pot made faces and tickled her toes.
He nudged under her chin with a puppy dog nose.
Mommy tickled her tummy, Daddy burped like a frog.
But Little Miss Pouty Pants didn’t smile at all.
Suddenly Cracked-Pot discovered the cause,
“Everyone is pouting, just look at our faces.
It’s as I suspected, pouting is contagious!
Daddy is pouting ‘cause Mommy is sad.
Mommy is pouting ‘cause Bubby is mad.
Bubby is mad ‘cause Loki was bad;
He barked and growled and his tail didn’t wag.
Loki was bad ‘cause the birdies were sad that their colors were flat ‘cause they missed their sunbath.
The sun had gone behind the clouds a long while,
And all because Little Pretty Pant’s did not smile!”
Then Pretty Pants turned to the doctor and asked,
“That explains why WE’RE pouting, but why are YOU mad?”
The wacky old doctor thought for a while,
And then his frown turned into a smile.
He said, “Good question, I’m delighted you asked,
As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been mad!”
Then he howled like a wolf and Pretty Pants laughed,
Followed by Emmy, Bubby, and Dad.
Mom laughed so hard she fell on her back.
Loki howled too and his little tail wagged.
And Kearney and Fidget were feeling so glad
That the sunlight was back and they could take their sunbath.
And they leapt up and flew into Pretty Pants’ hands,
And sang their song while Pretty Pants danced.
Doc Cracked-Pot and all of the Corn-Cobbs joined in
And fell to the floor laughing again and again.
And they had the best time they’d had in a long while
All because of Pretty Pants’ beautiful smile.

Thank you.  Please donate to the Dysautonomia Sanctuary 

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