Monday, October 27, 2014

What is the Technosavage Dialectic? How to join the discussion

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Got my plant-based diet delivered today for my diet experiement

It's full of delicious fruits and veggies for my plant-based diet experiment.  You can get yours from here  I love the small cucumbers.  Just dip em in some dressing and you can totally eat them all day with no ill health effects.  The vegan burgers suck.  I thought I remembered eating vegan burgers that were acceptable but these are surely not it so I don't know about meat substitutes.  I asked a vegan about it, his answer, look it up yourself.  Totally turned off to veganism, just a buncha self-righteous a-holes.  lol  But there are good reasons to eat a fruit and veggie diet, grains excluded.

Anyway, here are the ingredients for my experiment currently.  If you know how to make dishes with these, leave a comment please.  And as always, smile :)  Daryl, Technosavage

Reduce suffering in 10 steps

Here are some ways to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life of humans and animals.  Tell me what you are doing to reduce suffering.  -- Daryl, TechnoSavage