Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jive Turkey: What really makes you sleepy at Thanksgiving Dinner. It's Valium in the food. Oxycontinworld News

Too much philosophy and politics in your feed?  We get it, people are murderous racists and assholes.  Let's talk about something else.

Here's what really makes you sleepy during thanksgiving:

For the sound byte generation (self-included):

1.  It's not tryptophan from Turkey.

  • Cheddar cheese actually has more tryptophan than turkeydoes, and you don't conk out ...

  • Tryptophan truth revealed: Don't blame the turkey

  • 2.  You ate too much.  And several mechanisms cause you to slow down.

  • a.  The extension of your stomach to make way for food presses on the vagus nerve and the surrounding baroreceptors which causes a decrease in blood pressure and increase in parasympathetic (relaxation) tone.

  •                   Vagus nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    3.  Too many carbs raises your insulin and blood sugar and you are about a fourth of the way to a diabetic coma.  Enjoy.

    4.  Carb foods are full of benzodiazepine-like compounds like Valium.  This is one of the newer findings.

    Increase of natural benzodiazepines in wheat and potato ...

    Benzodiazepine-like molecules, as well as other ligands for the brain benzodiazepine receptors, are relatively common constituents of plants

    4.  So basically friends, after Thanksgiving dinner, you are probably high on carbs, alcohol, tryptophan, 

    and yes, Valium and other benzos that occur naturally in your wheat and potatoes.  

    So go all out and enjoy.  It's just for one day.  Freeze the leftovers or send them to me.

    Thanks for reading
     DF SEldon

    Thought Fallacies :1 The Switcheroo of meanings of terms used in argument

    Here, I publish thought fallacies in anticipation of putting together an interactive presentation with a list of thought fallacies.  The first thought fallacy is The Switcheroo in meaning of terms.

    Switcheroo for the soundbyte generation:

    1.  Make a claim, often to objectivity.

    2.  Redefine the variables of the claim in a way no one actually uses the terms.

    3.  Reassert the claims while importing the original meanings, hoping that people do not notice that you have redefined them in a way as to make your argument invalid.


    1.  Being gay is objectively wrong.

    2.  What is objectively wrong is determined by our present studies of population genetics which suggests lower chances of survival of the population if there are lower rates of procreation due to homosexual activity.  If studies show overpopulation, then being gay may be right according to the science, so it is relative to the population being studied but the science makes the determination objective.

    3.  Therefore being gay is objectively wrong.

    In the example, objectively is defined in a way that most people would consider relativity.  Objectivity usually means that something is wrong in all circumstances whatsoever.  The reasserted claim attempts to reclaim that sense of the word objective, blinding you to the fact that it has been redefined.

    A good example is the argument in Sam Harris's book about objective morality, The Moral Landscape.

        • Image result for sam harris moral landscape
    1. The Moral Landscape
      Book by Sam Harris
    2. The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values is a book by Sam Harris. In it, he promotes a science of morality and argues that many thinkers have long confused the relationshi

    Here's how he does the switcheroo.

    1.  Morality is objective.  (example, being gay is objectively wrong.  Harris does not make this claim; it's just an example.)

    2.  Morality is a scientific determination of "which values lead to human flourishing". 

    (Notice:  This is NOT what is often meant by morality.  Most religious moralists consider whatever is their interpretation of their holy book to be what is right.  Some consider extinction of humans to be best, not the flourishing of human life.  He is switched the meaning of morality to something that is often not what is meant by morality.  Morality also has as an integral part of it's meaning, the idea that it is not objective, it is uncertain, and therefore open to infinite arguments.)

    Also, "a scientific determination" is NOT what is meant by 'objective'.  Most people mean by objective, not that which is determined by science, but what is the case in any possible circumstances, in any world, sometimes determined by god, or determined by the universe and a gazillion other arbitrary and biased methods of their choosing.

    3.  We can attempt to determine objectively, according to the methods of science, which values lead humans to more pleasant experiences.  (true enough)

    4.  Thus morality is objective. Here's the switcheroo.  He has redefined objectivity as 'scientific determination' but when he reasserts, he attempts to import the usual meaning: right or wrong under any situation, independent of science or any other method.  Objectively right.  Objectively wrong.

    More on this if the situation dictates.  Done for now.  Grain of salt people.  And don't watch the Ferguson fiasco and get caught up in racial politics so the politicians can use you as a door mat.

    Later friends.

    DF Seldon

    Monday, November 24, 2014

    Constructor Theory of Information

    Constructor Theory of Information

    One of the more cutting-edge theories of information.  Epistemologically and metaphysically advanced, even with a claim to full scientific testability.  Deutsch himself appears willing to answer honest questions via email and gave me this updated paper, but please don't flood his email with fan-mail.  I'll assume it's okay to post as long as the original paper is up.  Click here for Constructor Theory of Information David Deutsch, Chiara Marletto

    The original link is here: http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1405/1405.5563.pdf
    Also, great talk by Deutsch.

    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    Humans are controlled by germs

    Animals Spread Disease Constantly - Horrifying Planet - Ep. 7
    Every living being on this planet is a facilitator of unspeakable disease and malady. No true refuge exists from the monolithic and all-encompassing scourge ...

    Ketamine cures depression in 40 minutes

    Ketamine cures depression in 40 minutes

    New antidepressant: Rapid agent restores pleasure-seeking ahead of other antidepressant action
    A drug being studied as a fast-acting mood-lifter restored pleasure-seeking behavior independent of...