Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jive Turkey: What really makes you sleepy at Thanksgiving Dinner. It's Valium in the food. Oxycontinworld News

Too much philosophy and politics in your feed?  We get it, people are murderous racists and assholes.  Let's talk about something else.

Here's what really makes you sleepy during thanksgiving:

For the sound byte generation (self-included):

1.  It's not tryptophan from Turkey.

  • Cheddar cheese actually has more tryptophan than turkeydoes, and you don't conk out ...

  • Tryptophan truth revealed: Don't blame the turkey

  • 2.  You ate too much.  And several mechanisms cause you to slow down.

  • a.  The extension of your stomach to make way for food presses on the vagus nerve and the surrounding baroreceptors which causes a decrease in blood pressure and increase in parasympathetic (relaxation) tone.

  •                   Vagus nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    3.  Too many carbs raises your insulin and blood sugar and you are about a fourth of the way to a diabetic coma.  Enjoy.

    4.  Carb foods are full of benzodiazepine-like compounds like Valium.  This is one of the newer findings.

    Increase of natural benzodiazepines in wheat and potato ...

    Benzodiazepine-like molecules, as well as other ligands for the brain benzodiazepine receptors, are relatively common constituents of plants

    4.  So basically friends, after Thanksgiving dinner, you are probably high on carbs, alcohol, tryptophan, 

    and yes, Valium and other benzos that occur naturally in your wheat and potatoes.  

    So go all out and enjoy.  It's just for one day.  Freeze the leftovers or send them to me.

    Thanks for reading
     DF SEldon


    1. So it looks it is time to choose the organic free range turkey ,home grown organic fruit and veg and indulge on home made gluten free breads and puddings.That keeps nature and tummy happy ! After the meal thank the cook and do the washing up and then start up your digestive system with a nice walk outside.Finish your day in front of the fire with a nice cuppa and home made truffles ( only a few now) .
      Happy Thanksgiving!
