Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today it’s been a week and two days since my hemorhoidectomy and the pain I can tell would be tremendous still.  But I have totally blocked it out with dextromethorphan, and now gabapentin.  The dextromethorphan is an absolute lifesaver right now, and it’s available at walmart as a generic cough and cold otc treatment for just $2.  I take 5 pills, 150mgs of dextromethorphan and 20mgs of chlorphenirmaine.  The clorpehneirmaine is the limiting substance.  I am afraid to take more than 20mgs of it as recreational users have reported bad side effects from taking too much, but at 150mgs of dextromethorphan, the post surgical pain is much more bearable.  I cannot express how much of a lifesaver it is.  I wouldn’t be able to walk without it.  Instead I’m not only walking but exercising.  With the gabapentin added, I’m totally insensiate, i.e.  I can feel almost no pain at all.  I can still feel the sensations of where the pain is and even the intensity that it would be, but it doesn’t quite reach me and I am inexpressibly thankful for that because it is intense.  My first bowel movement after the surgery was so painful it was like shitting a crown of thorns.  My only concern is the pain meds might lower my platelet counts and thus make my recovery take longer, but all in all, I’m doing well.  My father and sister had the same surgery and they both that horrible complications and had to have a second surgery.  It doesn’t seem so far that that will happen with me.  The bleeding is minimal, not even as much as before the surgery, but it’s definitely there, especially as the stitches are dissolving.  All in all, I’m hopeful that the procedure will help catapult me back to my functional self.  Able to work and stand all day and be productive without my guts trying to exit my body.

In other news, I’m trying to buy a bike because I can no longer afford the insurance payments for my van so I’m going to have to retire her.  We’ve had some good times.  All in all, buying a conversion van was a fantastic idea.  I went to Miami beach in it, then to twice as far as the great lakes, once to go to truck driving school and once to get diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome by a nationally renowned specialist.  I found him to be rude and snobby but he did at least diagnose me and give some treatment recommendations and that has been a great help when I gave the recommendations to my primary care.

Looking objectively, things are going quite well.  I am getting the treatments I’ve been needing for a long time but I am right now in a precarious situation financially.  If I can get through the next week without being pulled over by the cops basically, I’ll be good to go.  But until I get this bike and finish all my doctors appointments and getting my medications, I’m gonna be riding dirty.  It’s still too hot outside for me to switch totally to bike riding, not to mention I obviously can’t sit on a bike seat right now while I’m wearing old people diapers.

Next week I have 3 doctors appointments.  If I can get through those with the right medications added, I know I will be 100 percent for a while and I desperately need it right now because my funds are running low and I need to make some money.  Good luck to me on that count. And good luck to yall, whatever you’re going through.

Update 9/11/2012
Everything went smoothly, completely healed, lucky me.  100 percent, here I come.

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