Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Multiple Universes

Multiple Universes

I wish perhaps, like others do, that this was a more perfect universe. But if you believe in multiple universes, there is little denying we were born in a Hell universe. Nothing makes sense. We are born for no reason than to die a generally horrible, pain-ridden death. And people are so hateful, instead of wishing others peace if there is a next life, they wish the great majority suffer eternally in a Hell worse than the one they were born in. As far as universes, I really doubt it gets very much backward as ours without becoming as unintelligible as a massive DEX trip. Our universe can only support intelligent life for a few decades, one worse than this would probably only support it for a few minutes. You’d realize you exist, then like Schopenhauer, realize you wish you’d never existed, then you’d be dead. Maybe that’s not the worst fate. What if you lingered for decades in the company of hateful, spiteful people, who wished only that your suffering was greatly improved?

I’m not always this pessimistic. It’s just a universe I’m passing through where I see clearly its evil designs. I’ll pass into a better one and hopefully into one where I am healthy and happy. The chances are better than not in multiple universes, possibly. You must really win a shit lottery to end up in a Hell universe because most Hell universes probably end up with you dead before you’re even conscious enough to realize it. The ones where you linger for 80 years then suffocate to death on your failing heart must be rare. More common are the ones where you are made of some material that does not wear out so easily, or where the sun isn’t going to explode and the whole solar system isn’t one gigantic toilet bowl, the planets, pieces of debris waiting their turn to get sucked into the sun turned into a black hole. But we will be dead as shit before we have to worry about that, and in this universe, that is comfort.

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