Friday, November 9, 2012

Epistemological Psychotherapy, self separation and connection

Let’s talk about another axis of self that can cause conflict in a person.  There is an axis of separateness vs. connection.  Some people feel connected to the world, others feel separate from the world and other people.  An intense view of separation can cause one to become very selfish and hence in conflict with everything.  We are in conflict with everyone we meet, the neighbors, our mates, and our family, constantly struggling for ourselves and complaining about our lives, essentially stuck behind a fence we have created to protect ourselves but instead keeping ourselves in constant conflict.  Every relationship is conflict, every day is conflict.

There is a sense in which some of us experience separateness so acutely that it cannot be changed by simply wishing to be connected.  It may produce pathologies that require pharmacological treatment such as depression and OCD.  In OCD, the sufferer feels his actions are so important that it will cause catastrophic changed in the world so there is a need to produce a sense of perfection; however, many animals are known to develop OCD-like behaviors and it is not a condition which the sufferer has produced himself or has sufficient control over.  Pharmacological treatments and psychotherapy can be helpful in destroying the physical conditions, myths, and assumptions on which OCD thrives.  In Epistemological therapy the goal is to push the sufferer more to the left or center of the continuum to experience more connection with others and the world.


Connection ß-----------------------------------------------------------------------à Separation


Being unwary of dangers to self.

 May be socially unconscious and hence inept, unable to self monitor. 

 Being socially inept in social hierarchies and hence producing conflict by not understanding one’s position.

Being non-competitive and unsuccessful below the level of survival.


Not having to worry excessively about one’s own troubles but instead seeing the big picture of self and others.

Release from self worry, ability to perceive what’s happening in the world without selfish concerns.

Non-comparison, being able to see others, their victories and failures without comparison and the negative feelings that come with it.

Not competing and hence not at conflict with others.

 Not incorporating negative traits with self.  Allowing for forgiveness and open-mindedness.

Experience of connection, flow, and selflessness.

May provide self-protection in a dangerous environment.

May provide self-protection in a dangerous environment.

Ability to understand and perform in social hierarchies. 

 Being competitive for survival.

Constant worry about oneself and the effects of one’s actions.

Can contribute to extreme self-consciousness, shyness, and anxiety.  Related to anxiety, depression, OCD, and Paranoid Personality disorder.

Constant comparison to others producing feelings of unworthiness.

Constant competition and hence conflict with others.

Associating and blaming oneself with negative traits not under one’s control with self, like illness.

Experience of separation and conflict.

In general, the therapy will move one from a sense of separation and selfishness, to connection and understanding of the big picture, more toward the two middle columns.  This will alleviate negative feelings caused by having too strong a sense of self and separation from the world and from others.  We are part of a very large and powerful interconnected system of humans, animals, and all of the earth and universe.  Being comparing, competitive, and ambitious against others can create all kinds of havoc for us.  So lets discover each day, connection and love.

DF Seldon

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