Monday, June 30, 2014

Parable: Proceed Fractally to Success

Parable: You start off on the ground floor and want to get to the top. First learn to thrive on the ground floor, then climb to the second floor and learn to live there with success, and so on till you reach the top floor if you do reach it. If you fall back a few floors you will already know how to thrive there. If you try to climb from the ground floor to the top floor without learning to thrive on each, you mostly likely won't make it, and if you fall back you'll be destroyed due to not knowing how to survive on any floor.

 My college education was a 12 year attempt to go from the ground floor to the top floor with cunning, but never stopping to learn to survive on any floor. It did not produce good results, even when I got the job I was supposed to have. And as I embarked on a journey of self-re-education I discovered I didn't know how to do much that is useful for someone in my station. Only time will tell if it was worth the tradeoff. 

So start wherever you are and achieve what is success on each floor. If you fall to or start on the ground floor, learn to thrive there, then proceed. Example, if you are designing software, design a simple program that works and solves a problem, then build on that. Do not try to create a program that will fix all the world's problems without ever developing it's predecessors and allowing it to grow and evolve. You will never finish and will tank all of your money into it then fall to the ground floor where you may not know how to survive.

Indonesia cutting down rain forest fast Click here

Indonesia cutting down rain forest fast Click here

Chinese Workers Worked to Death: Click for story

Chinese Workers Worked to Death: Click for story

Autism and Rickets, vitamin d deficiency

Autism and Rickets, vitamin d deficiency

Do thinking not philosophy. If there's a big difference, you probably weren't doing the thinking part.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Genius' and their coffee.

There's a way to tell if you are a genius, highly intelligent and highly creative.  The genius, without fail drinks coffee and frequently spills it.  If one spills it everyday, he is probably writing a book or doing some other creative endeavor that will take weeks or months but of which he has convinced himself will be done in two or three all-nighters.  If he is Michelangelo painting the sistine chapel, one is sure 3 all nighters will do the trick.  Michelangelo would not eat or sleep while painting.  There are drawbacks we creative folks are very familiar with.

Don't cook your olive oil! :( You can still cook with butter and coconut oil (and other tropical oils).

Don't cook your olive oil! :( You can still cook with butter and coconut oil (and other tropical oils).

Easy ways to reverse aging, improve health now. Click here.

Easy ways to reverse aging, improve health now. Click here.


Secrets of the Creative Brain

Click here: Secrets of the Creative Brain

Click here: Secrets of the Creative Brain

Jane McGonigal, Game Designer, Author, The Book, TED Talk, Colbert Report! Awesome! Most Def TenP!

Jane McGonigal, Game Designer, Author, The Book, TED Talk, Colbert Report! Awesome! Most Def TenP!

Friday, June 27, 2014



Hangover cure? Kinda invasive, hella expensive, but who knows.

Click the link folk.

Hangover cure? Kinda invasive, hella expensive, but who knows.

Utopia/Dystopia and Radicalism

 Download the full paper from the University of West Georgia website below:
Utopia/Dystopia and Radicalism
Utopia and dystopia are basic categories that a western mind uses to organize experience.  Most Christians in America have adopted or are aware of a religious concept of utopia, Heaven, and dystopia, Hell.  But what happens when one’s view of dystopia comes to resemble not a place far removed from the here and now in time and space, but rather the current situation?  I will argue through the case studies of John Brown’s radical abolition and several cases of radical environmentalism that radicalism occurs when utopia is articulately idealized against a dystopia that is seen as already present or is eminent.  Further, I will show that both radical abolitionism and radical environmentalism in American society stemmed from the same source, radical Protestantism in the form of Puritanism.
The radical abolitionist John Brown, minutes before his execution, handed this statement to a prison guard:
I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty, land: will never be purged away; but with Blood.  I had as I now think: vainly flattered myself that without verry much bloodshed: it might be done.  (Ruchames 167)
            The making of a radical in John Brown can be said to have begun in Puritanism, sometimes located in the millenarian tradition, but always in a devout Calvinist tradition.  In The Black Hearts of Men, John Stauffer, speaking of Brown and fellow radicals, Frederick Douglas, Gerrit Smith, and James McCune, explains “They became The Radical Political Abolitionists and viewed their government as sacred and the appropriate means for pursuing their millennium.” (Stauffer 2)  Stauffer contends that the party was also influenced by utopian experiments at Brookefarm, Hopedale, and New Harmony and particularly, William Miller’s predictions of the end of the world (Stauffer 116).  Still more, these experiments were occurring during a time of an escalation of extreme opinions on slavery, a temperance movement beginning to bring righteous anger on a population where the average male consumed eight ounces of hard liquor a day, and a financial depression that found even Gerrit Smith, a wealthy landowner, in dire straits (Stauffer 116).  It was a time where it was not difficult to believe that something momentous would occur.
            Even more privately, John Brown himself was extremely religious.  In Fire from the Midst of You: A Religious Life of John Brown, Louis A. DeCaro writes of Brown, “he was converted in youth and grew up in a theologically conservative, evangelical, and Calvinist home.”  Browns parents were opposed to slavery and John Brown himself, early in his education had intended to become a member of the clergy (DeCaro 4).  Brown would have been familiar with several Christian conceptions of utopia: The Garden of Eden, Heaven, and the thousand year reign of Christ.  The thousand year reign of Christ preceded by the ‘tribulation’ and Apocalypse was the flavor of the times when Brown’s radical actions came to a climax with the raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859 to capture a federal arsenal and arm slaves for a revolt (Stauffer 116).  Each of these conceptions of utopia is a common reference for the western mind.  They are also very important in an unlikely dialectic, that of contemporary radical environmentalists.
            On the other side of the binary is dystopia.  In the Calvinist tradition, Hell is

Is it time to throw in the towel on traditional antidepressants?

Is it time to throw in the towel on traditional antidepressants?  They do not appear to work say better than exercise or any other mildly psychotropic pill if a doctor made you take it daily and follow up, for example, I imagine under those circumstances a low dose coffee pill, sugar pill, or benadryl would work as well or better than most antidepressants.  In fact, it seems like the best results come from antidepressants that appear to do almost nothing, like escitalopram.

New rapid-acting antidepressants are a different story.  They have actually been here for many decades, just not used for depression (ketamine, dxm, scopalamine).  Without exception, they can cause intoxication and mess with memory, but some newer theories suggest that effect is almost central, if you can cause it to be less acute and get the same antidepressant effect, or block the experience of delirium or intoxication with the same blocking and synaptagenesis, one can get the results without initial intoxication, which typically is short-lasting in any case.  Of course, one would not take such things for a bad mood or mild depression since there are unknown risks, but for depression so bad it threatens one's life, it's certainly better than the alternative.

What do you think?

When you are feeling down or depressed, exercise may work better than antidepressants.

Gardening Provides Many Health Benefits

Gardening Provides Many Health Benefits

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Longevity, Mitochondria, and Nicotinamide Mononucleotice, definitely TenP

Article on Longevity

This is a good article though commercial.  The take home message is that for now, caloric restriction, which is probably actually what you should be doing in the first place, it should be called, a normal diet, is the only reasonable means to longevity at the time.  MNM appears to do the trick but is not affordable or necessarily safe.  All of it's precursors are unsafe at dosages that may be effective, so now's not the time to use the compound, only the information.  So eat only watery fruit and veggies most of the week, with two or 3 high-protein, high-natural fat days thrown in.  Don't eat grains of any kind.

For me, attempts at longevity are not because I want to live a long time, but because the things done for longevity treat diseases of comfort and improve quality of life.  Try to live well and the time frame will take care of itself.

Do the solution!

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What's Not Neo-primitive? Cancer and government efforts to prevent the development of cures

What's Not Neo-primitive? Cancer and government efforts to prevent the development of cures

I am not claiming to know this approach treats some cancers, I'm only making the obvious observation that government shouldn't be preventing treatments that threaten to cure some cancers.